We have all heard that a product is a ‘Protected Designation of Origin’ (PDO). But this is not the only recognition that a product can obtain: there is also the ‘Protected Geographical Indication’ (PGI). What are the differences and common features of these names? We’ll tell you all about it!
Although they have their own particularities, both the PDO and the PGI “constitute the tool used in the European Union for the recognition of a differentiated quality” in different types of foodstuffs: agricultural products, wines, spirits, etc. In this way, quality is guaranteed, always associated with particular factors such as the environment or geographical origin. And it is here that we discover the major differences between these two distinctions.
PDO and PGI features
The Protected Designation of Origin identifies that a product originates from a specific place, usually a region. We are therefore talking about a geographical environment with unique natural and human factors. Furthermore, these acronyms also refer to the production, processing and preparation of that product, always in the same defined geographical area.
Products with a Protected Geographical Indication maintain a certain quality or reputation related to their geographical origin. In this case, not all the production process has to take place in that defined geographical area, from which it also takes its name. It is sufficient that only one of its transformation or processing steps takes place there.
So we could say that both distinctions identify that a product originates from a particular place and that there are particular characteristics linked to the geographical environment of the place. However, the relationship of the PDO is closer than that of the PGI.
Even so, and as provided for in the legislation governing quality schemes, the R(U)1151/12, it is possible for a PDO product to be made from a raw material (meat, milk, etc.) that comes from a wider geographical area than the one defined, or even from a different one, but simply meeting the same conditions.
What these awards bring
Beyond being a seal of quality, this distinction helps the entire production chain to benefit and be recognised, especially the producers in this geographical area, who are always the most disadvantaged. In this way they are assured a fair remuneration for the qualities of their products, guaranteeing the name of these products. Likewise, and for the end consumer, the PDO and PGI become clear information about the products they are consuming and their properties, in order to understand the added value that is surely reflected in the final price.
In this case, all Barcolobo wines keep the I.G.P. Vino de la Tierra de Castilla y León distinction, motivated, among other factors, by the location of Finca La Rinconada, in a singular enclave: the Natural Reserve “Riberas de Castronuño – Vega del Duero”.